16 youngsters from Korça and the region received last week their certificates for the successful completion of the one-month, intensive training in Digital Advertising (PPC), lead by AgogMarketing and supported by EU4Innovation as part of the Regional Ecosystem Development in Korça.
The participants followed 32 hours of virtual training divided in video lectures, weekly interactive Zoom calls and completed 7 practical homework, in the month between end of August and September 26th.

During the weekends, every Saturday and Sunday, in person sessions of 2 hours each, were conducted to familiarize the course participants with Facebook & Instagram Ads manager, as well as with Google Ads platform.
At the end of the training all participants learned to successfully build and run different Ad-campaigns in accordance with the needs and target groups of each different social media account.

Shume bukur Shqiperia ka nevoje per talente, si me siper faleminderit, dhe vazhdoni punoni pasi puna do ju nxjere atje ku ju deshironi.
Sidomos ajo vajza e 2 me pelqeu jashtezakomisht shume.Faleminderit.Rrofte EDI RAMA!