Division5, supported by EUforInnovation has announced open applications to the Programming Academy "Kodo.al", in order to support and increase young people interested in programming, totally free for three modules. Business Magazine conducted an interview with Engjëll Raklli, co-founder and CEO of Division5, and his staff to get more information on this initiative.
What is Kodo.al?
KODO is a coding academy that aims to reinforce and deepen the knowledge of new programmers in the most sought-after technologies on the market. The first pilot, which starts in September, will include 3 modules with three technologies that have been identified as the most sought after in the international market, ReactJS, Node.js, and Python. Each module has a duration of 3 months, in the intensive format of 2 hours of training each day. The curricula will include not only the theoretical aspect of technologies, starting from the basics to their deepening with specific projects but also opportunities to implement the acquired knowledge. The number of participants will be limited to 5-7 people per module, which guarantees the best quality and absorption of knowledge, supported by trainers and assistants of relevant technology. The applications are open and free of charge and the selection will be done by solved an initial test on www.kodo.al and then will be announced for a short interview.
How did the idea of creating it come about?
division5 has been working with various software development technologies for international clients for about 6 years. In collaboration with Pirate Global, we have tried to support not only the programming community through various programs but also the ecosystem building in general. Market demand is increasing and diversifying, which makes it even more difficult to adapt quickly to the education system. Young graduates very often find it difficult to enter the market with the skills acquired from the existing educational curriculum. As a result, it is difficult for software development companies to balance supply and demand in the international market. The academy is an urgent need to increase capacity within the community of young programmers which in turn helps companies to expand their service offer.
What age group does it include?
The first pilot of the academy targets computer science graduates who will want to delve into one of the technologies which have been identified as the most sought after in the market.
Is experience in programming or schooling in this field required to apply?
For the first pilot of the academy, no concrete experience in programming is required but applicants will need to have a basic knowledge. This is because the curricula will be intensive and will deepen into one of the selected technologies in a short time. To increase the efficiency, as well as to enable the maximum benefit for the participants, a selection will be made by testing the applicants in advance. This is also because the places are limited for each module.
What are the reasons that one should apply in Kodo.al?
Akademia is also a good way to introduce new programmers to the market and the potentials that this market offers. KODO aims to stimulate and establish as many partnerships as possible and as a result, different community actors have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and collaborate. This will benefit both programmers and young entrepreneurs who need technical expertise within their teams.
Do you have application fees?
The first KODO pilot has a Challenge Fund support provided by EUforInnovation. This enables the first 3 modules to be offered to have no participation fee for the applicants to be selected. There will be ongoing fees for various service packages that KODO will offer.
What can applicants expect after finishing the course?
Applicants will have the opportunity to gain not only in-depth technical knowledge in selected technologies but also work on specific projects which will enable the application of the acquired knowledge. division5 will continuously provide the expertise gained over the years to help build capacity while also offering a one-month paid internship, at the end of the module, to 3 of the academy's first pilot participants. The rest will be introduced to different companies and their employment needs. We will work hard to enable programmers to mediate with ecosystem actors such as incubators, accelerators, and coworking in order to integrate even more in the Tech community in Albania.
What is your long-term vision for Kodo.al?
KODO is conceived as a space where the programming community can grow, strengthen and collaborate. A hub that not only helps to build the individual capacity of programmers, their connection to the national and international market, but also generates the necessary expertise to support the innovation ecosystem.