Artificial Intelligence in Focus: A Threat or an Opportunity


We live in an era where the transformation and changes brought by technology are not only headlines but also have an extraordinary influence on the era humanity is currently facing. Many of us have learned to accept that these rapid developments cannot be stopped; many others see these changes as new beginnings and opportunities for the younger generations who are already engaging in a global race under the same conditions. Some others tend to think that what is happening is one of the greatest threats humanity has ever faced, and the dizzying pace needs to be slowed down... but can we?

For the first time, an initiative emerged from the extraordinary interest in acquiring more information and sharing expertise. On May 31, 2023, a Roundtable Meet-up was organized, bringing together over 40 professionals from various fields. The format of the meeting was open, and contributions from all participants were welcomed after their introductions. They expressed their views on the exceptional potential of AI and the challenges of regulation, risk, and incompatibility.

While the discussions varied, there was a consensus that we are currently living in one of the most significant moments where humanity is undergoing a fundamental transformation that is expected to have an impact on every aspect of life. It is true that such revolutions have occurred throughout human history, but this one seems to be distinct in terms of its form and magnitude of impact.

For the first time, we have arguments for and against the topic of AI, and the arguments for each perspective seem to stand firm. It is challenging to determine which approach is right.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Dritan Mezini, the chairman of AITA (Albanian Information Technology Association) and co-founder of the duapunë.com portal. He emphasized the importance of such meetings among professionals to create common strategies that can serve us in utilizing AI for the benefit of the businesses we lead and various industries as a whole.

The need to create the right conditions to acquire the new skills demanded by the current job market was illustrated by Mr. Mezini with some interesting statistics. According to a study by Microsoft, already 79% of job applications require applicants to have the ability to interact with AI applications such as ChatGPT and others.

Next, Mr. Gerti Boshnjaku, the founder of New Media Group and Portal Leader of AlbaniaTech, served as the moderator and highlighted some distinctive aspects compared to previous developments:

  • The pace of development and application of new technologies like AI among people is much faster than ever before.

  • Unlike before, new technologies are spreading rapidly to users, thanks to global connectivity, computing power, and robust infrastructures. Their use is becoming both alarming and immediate.

He also mentioned the impact that AI has in critical sectors such as education, healthcare, and employment, which served as guiding points for the discussion.

The main speaker was Mr. Geron Kamberi, an expert in European integration and former General Director of the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (AKKSHI). During his presentation, Mr. Kamberi provided a historical overview of the creation and development of Artificial Intelligence as a field of study since the second half of the 20th century, as well as its applications to date. He focused on the impact of Artificial Intelligence, particularly on the future of professions and its influence on the education sector, highlighting the so-called Beijing Consensus on AI in Education or the UNESCO Declaration from the International First Forum on AI and Education held in Beijing in May 2019.

He also emphasized the current data regarding the impact of AI on future job skills. According to a recent study published by Dell and the "Institute for the Future" (USA), 85% of the jobs in 2030 do not yet exist. He mentioned the Future of Jobs.

In this context, he emphasized the data from the Future of Jobs Report (2023) prepared by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which predicts that 50 percent of all workers will need significant qualifications and requalification. On the other hand, although by 2025, over 85 million jobs are at risk of existence due to technological development, over 100 million new jobs may be created as a result of these changes. These elements have also raised the need for the development and harmonization of public policies, as predicted by the OECD.AI Policy Observatory on Artificial Intelligence, which facilitates dialogue among states and offers multidisciplinary policy analyses based on evidence and data on the impact areas of AI. In this context, he emphasized the fact that each country should consider the OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence adopted in May 2019 by the OECD Council on Artificial Intelligence.

Meanwhile, he touched upon the global debate on the possibilities and threats posed by AI, reflected through a series of declarations and petitions, such as the signing of a petition by 2,400 scientists on July 27, 2018, against the realization and military use of autonomous military robots that can kill without human supervision.

The signing of the Open Letter on March 30, 2023, by a broad group of over 1,000 researchers, including billionaire Elon Musk, calling on artificial intelligence laboratories to immediately stop the development of systems more powerful than GPT-4, or the Joint Statement on the Risks of Artificial Intelligence signed on May 30, 2023, by a group of experts, including Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind, and Dario Amodei from the company Anthropic. In conclusion, he emphasized that the debate between possibility and threat will accompany the development of AI technology in the future.

As the host of the meeting, Mr. Admir Malaj spoke practically about the applications in Vocational Training Centers. Specifically, at the BetaPlan Coding Bootcamps Center, which he directs, the use of Co-pilot is being explored, and technical skills are being balanced with soft skills, especially in relation to colleagues and potential clients.

All participants agreed that such meetings should not be sporadic but should have continuity. The topic of AI and its role in every aspect of our lives requires concrete proposals to determine the approach of the Entrepreneurship and ICT community, not only locally but globally as well.

It is crucial to intervene in time to adapt to this fundamental cycle of change that impacts each of us individually and globally at the same time.

It was noted that we need to consider how we can benefit from the proper use of these tools and generate concrete solutions to issues in various sectors/industries that are being reshaped through critical thinking.

Concrete examples were given regarding the study of the market's needs for solutions in our language sector, the banking system, and the field of human resources. Coexistence with robots or virtual personal assistants (such as Co-pilot) for almost every profession will bring changes in the functioning structures of every business, as well as in the educational system.

Finally, several recommendations were put forward for the next steps of this movement, as follows:

  • Establishing a dedicated volunteer group for AI, which will be followed through a WhatsApp group for quick professional communication.

  • Identifying expertise within the group to focus on specific solutions.

  • Listing concrete solutions supported by AI in Albania, Kosovo, and other Albanian regions.

  • Supporting challenges/mentoring activities such as the Hackathon scheduled for June 11 for Artificial Intelligence.

  • Education on how to use ChatGPT or other AI tools.

  • Spreading the debate among friends and colleagues within companies to raise awareness among universities/educational structures/local governance/donor groups/CEOs and business managers about the role of AI.

  • Continuous evaluation for event improvement and content.

The organization of such events to promote new technologies will be periodic until a national conference is held no later than March 2024.

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