BALKAN BUSINESS AWARDS 2022 is coming to the VIII edition – who are the best in business for the Balkans?


Kosovo hosts on March 25, 2022 "BALKAN BUSINESS AWARDS 2022", or the best in business for the Balkans, bringing out the latest leaders and trends in all areas of business and entrepreneurship. The award ceremony will be held at the EMERALD Hotel Prishtina and will mark the important achievements of companies that work hard and contribute to the development of the Balkan economy.


The organizer of these prestigious awards, VIP Communication, is itself a leading company in the Balkans in the field of promotion and communication, with a long list of promotional and evaluation activities such as Luxury Property Awards, Media Awards, Balkan, Awards of the Tourism Industry (BATI), Balkan Medical Awards, BLACK SEA BUSINESS AWARDS, etc.

Interest in the Balkans is constant. The events organized and realized by VIP Communications in recent years have been visible. Challenges relate to striving for better working conditions, vocational education, and attracting and retaining investment in the Balkans. Thanks to this important event, we are opening up great prospects for economic development and goals for business and tourism among the Balkan countries. The cause of these prices is the merger of businesses, industries, large companies in the Balkan economy.

Partners and supporters of this event are the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Bulgaria, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Prishtina, the Municipality of Prishtina, the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of Kosovo, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Turkish Chamber of Commerce, Chamber Macedonian-Bulgarian and other major Balkan organizations. Together they support business development in the Balkans between Bulgaria, Kosovo (RKS), Albania, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, and Turkey, and motivate the involvement of professionally trained staff in all sectors of the economy of the Balkans.

Among the objectives set by the organizers of this prestigious ceremony are to draw attention to companies that operate successfully, increase the reputation of the industry by promoting significant achievements of companies, services, tourism, manufacturing and transportation, development of the IT sector, and technologies innovative new. Winning the prestigious award will provide a platform for meaningful performance, extensive public communication with investors, potential clients, and partners, as well as success reflection.

The ceremony will award important prizes in various areas of business as a further impetus for the activities of each.

  • Overall contribution to business development in the country
  • Innovations in business and IT technology
  • Sustainable business development
  • Businesses with international recognition
  • Corporations with a commitment to social business
  • Prosperous business and sustainable economic growth
  • Leader in environmental protection
  • Business with best practices for clients
  • Businesses with a social focus
  • The best investment in the Balkans 2020-2021
  • New innovative product/service
  • Investing in business
  • Leader in energy efficiency development
  • Leader in European practices and programs
  • Leader in the Balkan economy
  • A small municipality with a contribution to business development
  • A large municipality with a contribution to business development
  • The most successful employer
  • Best Business Practices in the Covid Period


Categories and criteria:

Corporate and social responsibility

The award will be given to managers of companies that have shown positive results impact on public life. This includes companies offering business opportunities, other companies employing educated staff, support for a healthy lifestyle, or support for the Community and education objectives.

The best investment in the Balkans 2020-2021

The price is for companies that have started in the last two years.

Nominees must show how their business is progressing in line with their business plan. Success must be proven through the business and its employees with a clear idea of its products, competitors, and market environment.

Businesses in environmental protection

This award will be given to a manager of a company who has shown many years of practice in favor of the Environment. This includes waste and recycling efforts with green investments, use of new ecological energy sources, transport, or other activities in this regard.

Young entrepreneur

Managers aged 18-30 with entrepreneurial talent and skills will be nominated. These are young people who start their own business while studying. Evidence of innovation, flair, creativity, and enthusiasm.

Holders of key business functions such as creative thinking, sales and marketing, business planning and presentation, and problem-solving in the respective business. Opportunity to organize individually and/or in a team. Opportunity to present clear business ideas.

New innovative product/service

Nominated products/services must demonstrate authentic and original ideas. Demonstrate how this product, process, service, or new way of development has evolved. Demonstrate an innovative approach to successfully introducing a new idea, technique, or technology to the organization or market, with commercial viability and evidence of market success, demonstrating customer benefits.

This award aims to reward a start-up activity, a new innovative product, process, service, or new way of doing business. The category is for all companies, whose product was launched on the market in January 2019 until March 2022

Sustainable business development

This award aims to reward the business that has shown an attitude towards the community, the environment, and its staff. The award is addressed to all companies, regardless of size or period of activity. The business that solves insurance problems is rewarded. Opportunities for local business, employment of educated staff. Demonstrates a commitment to sustainability - recycling of waste, green products, energy, transportation, or other environmental activities. Focuses on social and corporate responsibility - provides services that meet customer needs, supports community groups or volunteers as an organization. Participate in initiatives that bring significant and tangible benefits.

Best practices for business clients

This award aims to reward companies' contributions to customer service and focus on customer needs.

A manager of a company that demonstrates a high level of service is appointed to clients. They have effective marketing strategies for their target customer base. A company that demonstrates flexibility and the ability to adapt to rapidly growing consumer trends.

A corporation with commitment to social business

Business practices, products, and services that focus on causes and charitable initiatives or involvement of the community with social problems.

International recognition

This category includes small and medium enterprises as well as large enterprises, who have received international recognition for products, services, or activities, such as various quality certificates.

Overall contribution to the business

This category automatically includes the managers and companies responsible for the criteria in the following categories:

  • Sustainable development
  • Innovations in products and services

Large/small municipality, with a contribution to business development in the region

This category distinguishes the efforts of local authorities in the development of the regional economy. With administrative measures, construction of good infrastructure, involvement of companies from the region in the implementation of municipal projects.


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