Did you hear the latest news?! Now you can listen to BusinessMag articles, not just read them!


Business Magazine Albania and the innovative startup Nullius in Verba have joined forces to transform the way you consume content. Utilizing advanced AI technology, this collaboration introduces a new feature that allows readers to listen to their favorite articles on the go, making it easier than ever to stay informed and inspired.

No matter where you are – during your morning run, on your way to work, on a bike, scooter, or car, you don’t need to worry at all! Not a bit, that someone will bother you by saying how strange you look with a phone in your hand in various environments following the latest update on a new app, the latest business developments, or tips on how to improve your management and leadership style.

From today, you no longer need to take your phone out of your pocket, and you don’t have to risk bumping into other pedestrians, to do what you want. Today they do not exaggerate when they say that you have gained the freedom to continue being informed in real time about activities that inspire you, educate you, and motivate you to continue your growth. The freedom to do things you love, at the time you want!

This is thanks to the technology developed by the startup Nullius in Verba, which has come to life in their product Neura.al. This product enables the application of AI technology to convert any type of text content into an audio version in the Albanian language. As a result, anyone like you, who is now reading this article, can listen to it with a voice!

Business Mag Albania is a media platform with a mission to support new entrepreneurship, innovation, and growth. They have been doing this with pleasure since 2015, identifying innovative startups, young people with ideas, and businesses with a positive impact on the country’s economy. Through the articles Businessmag bring, they strive to inspire and educate generations towards entrepreneurship as a lifestyle and to promote the development of positive success models.

Promoting new startups and developing communities as supporting forces for cultivating a healthy ecosystem are an important part of fulfilling this mission that we have as a platform. Beyond these, Businessmag has the desire to bring innovations brought by these visionary entrepreneurs to their audience, also by applying them in their formats. With the vision to be a media that not only supports innovation but also brings it to life in its own formatting and in the way we work.

Business Magazine is happy to offer their audience this new format, for the first time in an Albanian-speaking media, in this exclusive collaboration with the company Nullius in Verba. They are talking about a startup where the current product is in its early stages. For this reason, they ask for understanding for something that may not fully meet your expectations. It will improve and get better thanks to ongoing use, comments, and your suggestions.

With the belief that it will bring help to every follower of BusinessMag, they wish you a pleasant reading/listening experience!

You can read or listen to the new edition of the magazine here!

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