The Albanian Electronic Commerce Association (AECA), organized with the support of USAID / IDG, a round table on "Development of Electronic Commerce in Albania and the need for donor support"
This event invited all donors operating in Albania mainly in the fields of digitalization, information technology, alleviation of trade barriers, innovation, and especially e-commerce.
This round table was attended by representatives of the most important donors in the country such as USAID / IDG, GIZ / ORF-FT, EU Delegation, World Bank, Helvetas, Risi Albania, Swiss Contact, EBRD, UNDP, and serious partners such as ABSL Albania, Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), Albanian Association of Information and Technology (AITA) discussed the possibilities of cooperation and coordination of support for such an important and promising sector of the Albanian economy as online trade.
The Albanian Online Trade Association (AECA), summarized for the participants its Action Plan, which includes 12 important topics that should be the focus of the development of this industry in the near and medium-term. These priorities focus mainly on:
- raising awareness and promoting the association,
- the creation of a joint national development strategy for online commerce,
- collection, analysis, and management of data related to online sales and the e-commerce industry,
- partnership and dialogue with public institutions,
- facilitation and formalization of online payments,
- increase the capacity of companies and create joint events for online commerce.
Also, the leaders of the AECA association informed the participants about the donor projects that were shown to be supportive in the establishment and consolidation phase of the association. In the following, the members of the Board of Directors of AECA openly expressed the areas where there was a real need for financial and logistical support.
Donor representatives present at the meeting congratulated the AECA association for the initiative of creation and consolidation as a unified voice for the protection of e-commerce business interests in the country and the advancement of development policies in this sector. USAID representatives expressed their readiness to support the development of the Public-Private Partnership. GIZ guaranteed support for the Trust Mark's issues, coordination of regional cooperation as well as stakeholder awareness. Risi Albania will continue to support the creation of a product that identifies the needs of e-commerce enterprises.