What is BiblioTech?
“BiblioTech” is a concept which aims to transform public libraries into a network of innovation development hubs for children and young people in Albania.
There are 4 BiblioTechs already in Tirana.
Children learn about ICT and online safety from abuse and exploitation.
Every BiblioTech has Friendly Wi-Fi filtered internet in their premises, protecting children from adult pornography and child sexual abuse materials.
Why this intervention?
Albanian children start using the Internet at an average age of 9.3 years, younger generation at 8 or less
14% of children have had upsetting experiences over the Internet
1 in 10 children reported at least one unwanted sexual experience through the Internet
Children turn first to their friends or siblings when they experience something hurtful
Children are exposed to sexual content online mostly involuntarily, through pop-ups.
Children’s most developed digital skills are in the field of operational skills and social relations, while creative skills are the least developed, with boys generally engaging more in online activities and having better digital skills than girls.
Parents who never use the internet reported digital skills equivalent to those of children aged 9–11 years

Who can offer BiblioTech?
National public libraries;
Neighbourhood libraries;
Rural and urban school’s libraries;
Multidisciplinary community centres for children, young people and the community (local gov structures);
Youth centres
Whoever would like to….
Every PC in a BiblioTech is equipped with:
1 - Eclipse
2 - Github
3 - TablePlus
4 - MySQL
5 - WordPress
6 - Xampp
7 - Notepad++
8 - 3D Creation Software
Info sessions, workshops on:
Computer architecture;
Web design
Online safety
Content and contact risks online

Biblio Talks: Inspiring change makers
Children and young people hear about success stories and innovation;
Startup’s, local techsavy ICT experts open up to children and young people;
Empowering children and young people with information and knowledge
What’s next in the pipeline?
Expansion to new cities of Albania;
Development of a brand and its standards for possible franchises
Establishment of Bibliotech.al platform - dedicated portal with digital literacy, online safety curriculum; marketplace for innovative ideas.
“Children” led process.
Engaging more vulnerable and excluded children.