Oz Marketing brings an extraordinary event to Tirana.Lorenzo Ait www.lorenzoait.com, business consultant, trainer, and entrepreneur with international experience, is coming on January 18th for an exclusive training for Albanian entrepreneurs, managers, and business leaders looking to expand their activities into international markets.
Lorenzo is the co-founder of the Allcore Spa group, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, the 39th fastest-growing company in Italy in 2021 (source: Il Sole 24 Ore) and the 197th in Europe (source: The Financial Times). Currently, he holds the position of CEO at Amyralia Consulting.As an entrepreneur, he specializes in the phases accompanying a company from its inception to its first 10 million in turnover; afterward, he uses his accounting skills to support the company in its further growth.He has published several books through some of the leading Italian publishing houses (Mondadori, Rizzoli BUR, Sperling & Kupfer), and he has created and directed the Brain Back Home show for Sky/MTV/Paramount Pictures."I consider entrepreneurs as the great storytellers of our era and try to contribute by telling the story of 'Business Liquido' through my books, articles, and television programs, or my vision for the world of work and liquid business in the age of liquid societies," Lorenzo expresses.

In a time when market expansion is already an opportunity for Albanian businesses, this training ensures providing the basics for:
- Penetrating trends, news, and opportunities offered by global markets.
- Strategic positioning in the market: how to gain the necessary skills to position your business not only for survival but also to compete in larger markets, beyond borders.
- Effective strategies: how to develop strategies to enter new markets and create a global presence, as well as improve international operations.
- Adaptability and flexibility: understanding the importance of adaptability and flexibility when facing various cultural and trade challenges.

Reasons to participate:
Lorenzo Ait is a seasoned speaker with rare professional achievements for the local and regional market. As one of the most sought-after trainers and business coaches in Italy, he comes to share his experience with Albanian businesses eager to expand their market and revenue.His training is not aimed at motivation as much as providing practical and applicable advice for your business.If you are an entrepreneur, manager, business leader, or a professional interested in business development, you should not miss this training.
Equip yourself with the necessary and tailored knowledge to lead your business towards guaranteed success beyond borders.
To register, click on the link here.