The tragic events happening now in Ukraine have deeply shaken the world. Currently, over 2 million Ukrainians have left their country and are in search of security and some form of stability. And it’s expected that in the nearest future this number will increase to over 4 million.
Many of them are already in search of jobs in order to maintain a touch of normality, to remain independent, and financial stability. With this in mind, Tech Talents for Ukraine was created. This is a platform created by volunteers that have the goal to engage Ukrainian specialists into tech companies across Europe and beyond.
Tech Talents brings together a community of companies, from Moldova, across Europe, and beyond, that want to give talented Ukrainians a chance for a new beginning. The job opportunities range from developers, UI/UX designers, CMO, 2D animators, QA engineers to recruiters, sales agents, and many other opportunities. Any company that is open to being part of this community is encouraged to fill in their job offers.
Thus, Ukrainians looking for a job can select one of the offers placed on the platform or, if they do not identify the right offer, can register by filling in the form. Soon after, they will receive recommendations and offers related to the professional profile and requirements of the candidate.
About Tech Talents for Ukraine
We’re a community that aims to match the tech companies welcoming Ukrainian professionals and jobseekers. Our mission is to support the integration of Ukrainians into the European tech labor market and to bring back their own and family’s financial security.