About this city

Shkodra is one of the oldest cities in the country of Albania, founded in the 4th century B.C. as the center of the Labeat tribe of Illyrians known by the name Scodra. Although an old and traditional city, Shkodra is following the footsteps of other major cities and has been keen on developing the startup and innovation community, motivating the young generation to create and further develop their skills offering new opportunities through programs, events, and initiatives. 

The University of Shkodra, “Luigj Gurakuqi” has been one of the main supporters of these initiatives that have in the center the progress and success of students which include the following:

The 3-year IDEA project within the Erasmus Capacity Building program in Higher Education, which aims to improve accessibility, creating inclusive conditions in education, and developing employment opportunities for students with different abilities and learning difficulties in the Western Balkans.

Virtual Albanian European Universities Exchange

Congress on "Building the future together" where, it was decided, among other things, for mutual cooperation in the academic field between Turkey and the Balkan countries.

More activities and actors in the tech field:

Shkodra Digital Weekend

Aiming at creating the most favorable and competitive ecosystem in Albania the City of Shkodra is virtually hosting Shkodra Digital Weekend. Deeply anchored in the public and private sectors, the Forum is the first event serving this role, bringing together the countries’ foremost CEOs, policy-makers, experts and academics, international organizations, youth, technology innovators, and representatives of civil society in an impartial space with the aim of driving positive change.


A sustainable Urban Planning Organisation which offers: Networking and Co-Space, Consultancy and Training, Education, Mentoring, and Green Key Measurements.

# GO2Innovation contributed to the creation of the tourism and agribusiness ecosystem

Innovation Incubator Tag

Flexible Start-Up Support – Regional Edition

The main objectives of the Flexible Start-Up Support – Regional Edition/Shkodra are:

To support the development of the local Start-Ups,

Engaging and connecting the stakeholders of the local eco-system, such as local businesses, municipalities, and other government institutions, universities, and professional schools, in order to develop a new generation of entrepreneurs and start-ups in selected regional cities of Albania.

Intelektualet e rinj, Shprese (IRSH) (which can be translated as "Young Intellectuals, Hope '') works on the development of civil society, and on the promotion of peace and stability in the Balkan region. IRSH was founded in 1994 by students and professors of the Luigj Gurakuqi University in Shkoder, Albania, and is licensed by Albanian Youth, Culture and Sports Ministry. IRSH aims to represent young people from different backgrounds who are passionate about creating a changed Albania, empowering them through specific informal educational programs, training, seminars, information, and participation.

Shkodra is also a great destination for Digital Nomads, here you can unlock all the information you need to work from Shkodra and travel around as a Digital Nomad.

Tap into Shkodra’s rapidly developing ecosystem to learn more!

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