
The blooming ecosystem of Tirana in your hands!



Welcome to Tirana

Welcome to Tirana, the beating heart of innovations in Albania. 

Tirana has a great potential to develop as an ICT start-up hub due to a young, multilingual population that is looking for self-employment and low capital requirements to set up ICT businesses.

Even though it is hard to pin down the exact number of students in Tirana, it is considered the main “bakery” of IT and Economics students, without even counting those from privately held universities.

The sector of startups has experienced a fast rise in interest in the last 3 years and the students are the most active in this direction. This mass of eager students is the perfect pool for future employees and co-founders. 

The ecosystem of startups in Tirana, even though in early stages, is developing rapidly and the Albanian young entrepreneurs are launching innovative startups and business ideas continually. Tirana is home for Aladini, Publer, Baboon, EasyPay, GreenLeaf, Division5, Kreatx, etc. 

The population of Tirana has the highest purchasing power of Albania and is among the most affordable labor markets in the region. This is also powered by the lowest tax system in the area.

Use Tirana’s ecosystem to get in touch with serial entrepreneurs, IT professionals, startup alumni, innovators, accelerators, and any kind of innovative stakeholders.

Tap into Tirana's Innovational ecosystem!


Useful information

Ecosystem Overview

Co-working Spaces and Hubs

Being a developing capital, Tirana welcomes not only tourists but many businessmen and startups. There are hubs with up-to-date facilities and equipment, 24-hour service and constant collaboration of up-and-coming pacesetters.

Tirana offers a massive variety of co-working spaces with comparable prices.



Tirana Youth Center 

Dutch Hub 

Innospace Tirana 





Tirana Business Park 

Ivanaj Foundation’s Business Incubation & Innovation Hub


Tirana offers plenty of professional communities which are led by people and for people who want to boost the Albanian ecosystem within various directions. Here is the list of the biggest ones:

Startup Weekends

Startup Grind Tirana 

Yunus Social Business

Open Labs 

Blockchain Western Balkans Meetup 

SalesForce & Trail Blazers Albania 


Swiss Entrepreneurship Program

Global Opportunities Albania


Events and Programs

UK-Albania Tech Hub 

ICT - Albanian Information Technology Awards Albania

Startup Europe


Startup Weekends

Get in the Ring 

Startup Live Tirana 

Start Up City 

Beta Pitch Tirana

Tirana WordPress Meetup

Digi Diaspora

Access to Capital

Business angels offer a bridge between a business idea and a company that is sufficiently developed to receive funding from a venture capitalist venture.

How can I find a business angel?

The best way to attract an investor is through a well-thought presentation.

The business pitch concept consists of presenting a business idea to an investor or a group of investors, a contact that can be initiated via email, official papers, or a casual conversation. However, it should be kept in mind that investors receive a considerable number of proposals, so it is difficult to determine what is the right time to take the first step.

In Albania you can find some international sites where different opportunities are offered:



EU Startups


Investment Opportunities

Stratup Grind

CEE Startup Challenge


Education statistics include data on the participation of children, pupils, and students in official public and private education, as well as graduations in basic, upper secondary, and tertiary education.

In Albanian universities, study programs are applied according to Bologna's system. The main direction in which higher education aims to develop is the demand for as qualitative universities as possible, oriented towards scientific research.

INSTAT produces relevant indicators on education based on international definitions, providing comparable statistics at the international level. Statistics on education in Albania are classified according to the ISCED-2011, classification used internationally in education statistics.

Access to Talents

Tirana is an open gate for professionals and people with great vision! The opportunities for finding a job are very high for the talents that continuously invest in their personal and professional growth and development. Below you can find some great easy-to-use sites for job seeking:

Digitalization and Innovation

Tirana has a great potential to develop as an ICT start-up hub due to a young, multilingual population that is looking for self-employment and low capital requirements to set-up ICT businesses.
For a couple of years now, Tirana Municipality has used mediums of innovation and technology in delivering public services and serving its mission as an institution. The approach has been delivered in two directions: community-based and internal-based. 
Community-based innovations are apps and platforms designed to help citizens and the community in their daily life in terms of local public services digitalization. Internal based innovations are platforms and systems created by the ICT department with the aim of increasing and measuring performance of staff. Examples include systems of asset management, financial management, digital performance evaluation, access control and folder sharing. The platforms help Municipality staff in their daily job. 
More digital initiatives from our city:

Tirana - European Youth Capital 2022

Tirana 2022 is the fruit of a close cooperation among the National Youth Congress which represents a broad network of local youth groups and the Municipality of Tirana, a cooperation that will continue during its implementation and the years to come after the title. Aiming the spirit of YOUTH ACTIVISM for important matters of the daily life, the program has been designed to bring into focus 8 intertwined and inclusive themes:
Youth Makes Creative Economy & Innovation
Youth  Creatures Culture
Youth Develops Capacity
Youth Participates
Youth Diversity
Youth are Europeans
Youth Eco-Health
Youth Spaces12
Flagship events will be organized throughout the year for each proposed themes together with hundreds of activities that will take part during the title year of Tirana European Youth Capital 2022. The proposed activities within each time are aimed to activate Youth of Tirana and the participating region into becoming more involved and proactive on issues that concern their generation and especially help youngsters understand the true future changing power that lies in their hands. Lastly, the carefully designed program aims to place the youth of Tirana at the center of the engine that will drive the sustainable development of the capital and the country in the near future.