Albania Facing Innovation; The Impact of ChatGPT on the Job Market and the Economy


By Dallandyshe XHAFERRI

If you need a motivational letter that will capture the employer's attention or have to complete an essay, coursework, or project within a short time, it is no longer necessary to waste time searching for data. ChatGPT is here to help immediately, a system created by the company Open AI, founded by Elon Musk. This is a revolutionary technology that allows computers to understand and respond to spoken language, creating "human-like" conversations with a robot that answers questions and assists in writing texts, emails, etc.

ChatGPT was enthusiastically announced in November of the previous year, reaching one million users in just the first week after launch. As the days went by, reactions began to divide into two groups. Some see it as a very positive development, but others have reservations. For example, for a student, ChatGPT is excellent news, but for an educator, it's not because it cannot assess students' real knowledge. Thus, many universities have banned the use of this system.

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-based system, is expected to have a significant impact on the job market worldwide. It has already started to find applications and assist businesses in Albania as well.

Jurgen Bode, a designer and web developer, told ACQJ how this artificial intelligence is finding utility in the business where he works.

 "In the case of Buzi Store, ChatGPT assists by analyzing customer preferences based on their purchase history or through interactions with entrepreneurs and provides personalized recommendations for store products," Bode says, acknowledging that this practice helps customers improve their shopping experience. "With its help, we reduce response times and increase efficiency in the store. Moreover, it eases the workload for store employees," he concludes.


Meanwhile, IT expert Said Duleviç says that this platform has been embraced since its launch in December 2022 when, due to numerous visits, the website was blocked. He admits that ChatGPT has now become a powerful and interesting tool for entrepreneurs.

"Now ChatGPT is a very important tool for any business, creating articles, graphics, audio. It is used for advice, essay writing, for school," he enumerates while revealing that three different platforms he maintains in Albania are using ChatGPT for chat support, translations in three languages, keywords, SEO, and more.


Tomi Kallanxhi, an IT expert, explains that, like any other technology, the adoption of ChatGPT was met with skepticism.

 "It's like the invention of the calculator. Teachers protested in 1966, thinking that students would become lazier, but in fact, we become more multitasking," he says, adding that between 2030-2040, we are expected to reach a point where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. This will make us more autonomous as beings, as a group of 4 people will work as efficiently as 400," Kallanxhi says, emphasizing that for small countries like Albania, where the labor force is dwindling, the imitation of workforce is positive.

Pano Soko, an economics expert, tells ACQJ that this technology development will reduce business costs related to language modeling, such as "secretarial tasks, preparing presentation materials, sales," among others.

"At the same time, it will make life easier for educators. There will be more study opportunities, more research opportunities, work will be more disciplined, etc.," Soko says, explaining that this way, there will be employees who will need to engage in the optimal use of the platform.

"Of course, this comes with certain costs. Some jobs that are currently performed by humans will be sacrificed as ChatGPT automates tasks. When these jobs are automated, these people will seek new employment," Soko concludes.

Jurgen Bode lists the sectors in which ChatGPT is finding application, automating work processes.

 "Businesses can use ChatGPT to provide a virtual advisor for their clients.

 Through natural language technology, ChatGPT can answer customer questions, provide advice, and offer information immediately and efficiently," he explains, adding that customers can now get personalized answers to their questions. "ChatGPT, using natural language and sentiment analysis techniques, can help identify trends, common issues, and customer needs. ChatGPT can be used to process routine tasks such as report preparation, data analysis, or other written tasks. Businesses can program ChatGPT to perform such tasks automatically, serving as a "virtual assistant" for their employees," Bode expresses. He adds that this platform is also being used to automate internal business processes.

 "This includes the automatic answering of employee questions, providing internal information, training recruiters for hiring procedures, or assisting in document distribution within the organization," Bode concludes.

According to a report by Goldman Sachs, job positions are partially exposed to AI.

 "Although the impact of AI on the job market is likely to be significant, most jobs and industries are only partially exposed to automation and are more likely to be complemented rather than replaced by AI," the authors write.


 IT expert Duleviç explains that the rapid acquisition of information is not without challenges, one of which is misinformation.

"On the other hand, the use of ChatGPT, or these fast ideas, solutions, or instant solutions that we receive in record time, can also increase inaccuracies, as the information generated in these technologies is often based on experiences, other users, and sometimes the information is not accurate, and this is where the problems begin," Duleviç says.

However, he emphasizes that, despite Albanians' readiness to embrace this artificial intelligence, its application is still lacking in universities and educational curricula.

 "Our universities are still stuck with pen and paper, even though we are talking about programming or technology that the world programmed 30 years ago. I think there should be a review of the subjects so that our students understand that AI, new technologies, and everything we see as science fiction will become an undeniable reality in the next 10 years, just as it happened with computers and the internet," Duleviç concludes.

 According to a report by the Civic Center, three years ago, in 2020, the University of Tirana had no investment in digitizing services for students and reimbursing internet packages. Meanwhile, in the budget for 2022, the University of Tirana spent 25,788,393 lekë on computer and electronic equipment, but the budget did not invest in digital programs, programming, etc.

Edlira Gjoni, a pedagogue and communication science expert, expresses optimism regarding the use of AI by students.

 "Personally, I do not see it as a problem; on the contrary, I see it as a platform that helps students understand how to reason, argue, and place what they think or write in a very qualitative way," she says, adding that it is impossible not to identify whether a paper has been produced by students or not. "Everything generated by ChatGPT, as well as specially prepared software mechanisms for detecting plagiarism, distinguishes all content generated by ChatGPT," Gjoni says, adding that it is unacceptable that Albanian universities, both public and private, are extremely slow and lack an accessible digital platform to dictate copies for students and educators.

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