Albania Unlocked – The secret behind the success of albanian businesses in tourism


On a journey that began as an ordinary vacation and ended as a pivotal moment for change in the tourism sector, Krist Hasanbega, one of the founders of Albania Unlocked, uncovered untapped potential at the heart of Albanian hospitality.

During a record-breaking season for tourism in Albania, he witnessed firsthand how small family businesses, representing the essence of local culture, were not benefiting from the surge in tourists. This experience inspired him to embark on an initiative to change the market’s course by creating Albania Unlocked—a platform aimed at democratizing tourism and ensuring that local businesses have the opportunity to showcase their authentic values. In this interview, Kristi shares the story behind this innovative initiative and his vision for the future of tourism in Albania.

What inspired you to create Albania Unlocked? What gap did you see in the market that led you to this idea?

The inspiration to create Albania Unlocked came from a trip to Albania during a record-breaking year for tourism in 2023. During this journey, we discovered that small family businesses, which embody the core of Albanian hospitality and culture, were not benefiting from the increase in tourists. The small pizzeria we found empty, despite offering wonderful food, was a clear example of this market gap. Meanwhile, large franchises were packed, thanks to their big marketing budgets and strong social media presence. This prompted us to create Albania Unlocked, with the goal of democratizing tourism and ensuring that small businesses benefit from this tourism boom.

What is the primary mission and vision of Albania Unlocked?

Our mission is to ensure that every family business receives the clientele it deserves and to show tourists the true essence of Albania. Our vision is for Albania Unlocked to become a platform that embodies the spirit of sustainable and authentic tourism, connecting travelers with genuine Albanian experiences and promoting equal economic growth for local businesses.

Can you explain more about how Albania Unlocked works? How did you decide on the range of services offered (Accommodations, Food & Drinks, Experiences, Tours)?

Albania Unlocked operates through an NFC-enabled card that tourists purchase for a symbolic price, which gives them exclusive discounts on a wide range of services. We chose to offer accommodations, food and drinks, as well as experiences and tours, because these are the key elements of a complete and authentic trip to Albania. Our choices are based on the desire to offer the best possible experiences that reflect Albanian culture and hospitality, including businesses that provide true quality and value.

How do you see Albania Unlocked impacting local tourism? What feedback have you received from tourists and businesses?

We believe that Albania Unlocked will have a significantly positive impact on local tourism, helping small businesses become more visible and reach more customers. So far, feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, both from tourists who appreciate the opportunity to experience Albania from a local perspective and from businesses that are benefiting from a wider and more diverse clientele.

What challenges have you faced during the development and launch of Albania Unlocked?

The main challenge has been creating a sustainable platform that is easy to use while also including a wide range of authentic services and experiences. Additionally, we’ve faced difficulties in establishing a strong market presence and convincing businesses to join without any membership fees while maintaining a high standard of service.

How do you plan to expand or further develop the platform in the future? Are there any new features or expansions planned?

We plan to further develop the platform by adding new features, such as a trip planner that will allow tourists to personalize their itineraries and create unique notes. We will also continue to expand the range of partner businesses and extend the platform to other regions of Albania, including more local experiences and tourist activities.

Are there any specific criteria that businesses must meet to be included in Albania Unlocked?

Yes, we have strict criteria to ensure that every partner business of Albania Unlocked offers unique experiences and high quality. Businesses must offer sincere hospitality and be committed to sustainable practices. We do not charge any membership fees for businesses but select them carefully to ensure that tourists experience the most authentic and unspoiled Albania.

What are your future goals for Albania Unlocked? Do you have plans to expand the concept to other countries or regions?

Our long-term goal is for Albania Unlocked to become the go-to guide for every tourist visiting Albania and to expand to other countries in the Balkans and beyond. We want the concept of sustainable and authentic tourism to become the standard, including as many local businesses as possible and ensuring that travelers have rich and unforgettable experiences.

How do you see the platform evolving as Albania’s tourism sector grows?

As Albania’s tourism sector continues to grow, we believe that Albania Unlocked will play a crucial role in steering this growth towards sustainable and fair tourism. With the addition of new partner businesses and features, our platform will evolve to become a powerful tool for traveling and experiencing Albania in the most authentic and ethical way possible.

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