Revealing an impressive lineup of visionary speakers and dynamic program on March
21 st , 2024 at 9.30 at Rogner Hotel, Tirana.
By blending their corporate and venture experience, INNVEST has crafted a comprehensive trend overview, diving deeper into predictions of what 2024 will bring in FinTech.
As the global FinTech industry continues to grow and scale, the financial services ecosystem is presented with both new opportunities and challenges. FinTech’s are frequently looking to revamp their business models and offer new products and services while expanding into new markets, sometimes amid considerable regulatory and policy uncertainties. Given the rapidly developing fintech environment, additional empirical research, with reliable data and accessible outputs, would be a valuable tool for fintech’s and public sector decision-makers alike.
They illustrate that regional and global FinTech is capitalizing on strong consumer demand
for digital financial services to maintain growth momentum, adjusting their business models and product offerings to adapt to the changing and sometimes very challenging environment, and are increasingly expanding the provision of financial services to underserved consumers and businesses while addressing gender and sustainability issues.
The global fintech industry is demonstrating strength and resilience. Looking ahead, artificial intelligence (AI), the digital economy, as well as open banking are the issues regarded by
fintech’s as the most relevant for industry development in the near future. AI was the leader, with 70% of fintech’s citing it as the most relevant topic for the development of the fintech industry in the next five years.
Leading the change for a more impactful financial future.
Here industry leaders, disruptors, and visionaries converge to explore the cutting-edge of digital finance and connect with key stakeholders, gaining invaluable insights into the future of financial technology. The annual flagship Balkan conference dedicated to FinTech innovation is happening on the Future of Fintech event in Tirana, March 21 st , 2024 by raveling new data on the rapidly evolving fintech ecosystem and the opportunities fintech activities are offering traditionally underserved consumers and businesses.
Each year this event brings together more than 30 influential speakers and regional industry experts to discuss the current state and the future of Fintech. The event showcases Albania’s and Balkan region thriving ecosystem and its potential, explores most trending topics, and creates the best networking opportunity for the Fintech community.
“Future of FinTech – Towards Resilient and Inclusive Growth in WB6” is supported by and other important actors in WB6., is one of the leading software development companies in Albania and just recently announced the acquisition of the majority of the shares of Rubicon, an Electronic Money Institution that through its app Pago is one of the principal Fintechs in the country. With a client portfolio of more than 20,000 business entities in Albania, has been confirmed as a trusted name in the field of software development, known for its innovative solutions and commitment to unrivaled quality and customer service. The acquisition of Rubicon’s controlling stake marks an important milestone in journey into the field of financial technology and electronic payment solutions.
Future of FinTech is also supported by NOA and Easy Pay. A key activity of the Future of Fintech initiative will bring a conducting a panel to take the pulse of the Balkan fintech industry. Working with a carefully curated key note speaker such Ms. Luljeta Minxhozi, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr. Yevgen Lisnyak, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Fintech and Ventures at Visa CISSEE, Ms. Delina Ibrahimaj, Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate, Mr. Blendi Gonxhe, Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation, Mr. Eduard Shalsi, Chairman of the Economy & Finance Committee of the Albanian Parliament, Igli Gjelishti, General Manager at and other important invited guests of 50 fintech’s across Fintech industry this event will produce actionable insights to inform fintech market development and evidence-based regulation.
At Future of Fintech, they go beyond the ordinary conference experience – they’re a gateway to unparalleled networking opportunities that can transform the FinTech journey. This event will highlight the key trends of the fintech industry regionally and globally as a snapshot in time. Leading the change for a more impactful financial future. Here industry leaders, disruptors, and visionaries converge to explore the cutting-edge of digital finance and connect with key stakeholders, gaining invaluable insights into the future of financial technology.
As the industry continues to grow, and as technologies advance and fintech’s’ business models evolve, of course, the key drivers of growth and pressing challenges for the industry will change. INNVEST is delighted to represent this important yearly event, which will focus on key areas of discussion, including FinTech business demographics, market performance, market growth factors, regulatory perceptions, customer engagements, and FinTech activities with societal as well as economic benefits.
The main four pillars of the Future of Fintech consist in Financing the Future: The Rise of
Sustainable Financial Technologies, Embracing the opportunity of Open Banking and
innovative products.
Disrupting for Good: The Power of AI, The Next Phase in Fintech: An eye to the fintech
Next-Gen Finance: Fintech’s 2024 Game Changing Trends, Super Apps in a Hyper- Connected World: Proving Less is More and Future of Fintech Takeaways Keynotes, panel discussions, fireside chats and other talk formats include hottest themes such as blockchain and crypto, embedded finance, open banking, AML, AI, cyber security, climate fintech and many more. As the global fintech industry continues to grow and evolve, it is imperative that the pace of regulatory and supervisory innovation match that of financial innovation. This is what we aimed to bring from the key expert’s insight and takeaways at the very end. Fintech Megatrends 2024 will dive into the financial future as we unveil the top Fintech trends of 2024 in Balkan region and beyond it are most revealed key insights into the future of fintech.
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“We are delighted to present this important yearly event, which will focus on key areas of discussion, including FinTech business demographics, market performance, market growth factors, regulatory perceptions, customer engagements, and FinTech activities with societal as well as economic benefits. To our partners, we invite you to explore these insights on this important event of regional and global fintech and hope you will be encouraged to contribute to the ongoing advancement of the industry, said Fabiola