Startup Investment Trends in Travel and Mobility Tech


The pandemic has increased financial pressures on travel and mobility companies, particularly smaller, early-stage startups who usually have little savings to prepare for economic downturns as experienced during the past 1.5 years.

But despite this very challenging economic environment, the overall Travel and Mobility Tech startup ecosystem continues to grow, innovate, and raise significant funding amounts.

In the following report provided by Lufthansa Innovation Hub you will find: 

- The startup ecosystem grows (Global network of startups in Travel and Mobility Tech)

- Funding bounced back (Global VC funding in Travel and Mobility Tech by year)

- Dollar amounts slightly drop (Global VC funding in Travel and Mobility Tech by quarter)

- Deal activity badly down (VC deal count in Travel and Mobility Tech by month)

- Young startups struggle most (VC deal count in Travel and Mobility Tech by deal stage)

- Ground transport dominates (Share of VC funding in Travel and Mobility Tech by sector)

- Covid-19 pushed aviation (VC funding in Travel and Mobility Tech by sector and year)

- The winners of the pandemic (Average yearly investment value by category)

- The losers of the pandemic (Average yearly investment value by category)

Download the full report below!


Startup Investment Trends in Travel and Mobility Tech

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