The largest Albanian nationwide competition of innovation and technology, Albanian ICT Awards, marked the evening of Friday, May 31, 2024, another milestone with the closing of the 12th edition with the warm and lively presence of hundreds of founders, young entrepreneurs, experts in various fields, enthusiasts but also representatives of the central and local government from Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia.
Transformed into an oasis where innovation not only flourishes but also manifests, organized by ALBICT Association and ICTSmedia for the 12th consecutive year, Albanian ICT Awards every year celebrates the achievements and successes of a community of visionaries and creatives who have served as catalysts for transformative changes in the ecosystem of innovation and technology throughout the Albanian-speaking countries over the years.

In the Gala evening, the Minister of State for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate of the Republic of Albania, Ms. Delina Ibrahimaj, Member of the Parliament of Albania, Ms. Edona Bilali, Director of the Innovation and Excellence Agency of Albania, Mrs. Ledi Imeraj, Director of Innovation at the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Laura Zherka, deputy-Mayor of Tirana Mrs. Jonida Halili, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo in Albania Mr. Skender Dyrmishi and the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for the Economy in the Republic of Albania Mr. Eduard Shalsi honoured this event with their participation.
The co-founder of Albanian ICT Awards Mr. Kushtrim Shala in his opening speech of the Gala Night expressed himself with the words: “We have gathered here to celebrate in a hall full of beautiful minds of our nation, with people who have turned on the turbines to fly among the stars.”

“Today among us are talented engineers from Presevo, from Tuz and Ulcinj, Tetovo and Skopje, obviously Albania, but also Europe, the USA and our diaspora.”
A hotbed where innovation and creativity have flourished and manifested for over a decade, this nationwide competition has become a servant of the innovation journey, a beacon of inspiration and opportunity for generations.
“Albanian ICT Awards was among the first to notice not only the positive impact that technology has on society, but also the need for greater encouragement of our young people everywhere in Tirana, Pristina, Tetovo, Ulcinj, Europe and the USA” said the chairman of the jury of the 12th edition of the Albanian ICT Awards, Prof. Dr. Blerim Rexha.

This Gala Night, more than a moment of the announcing awards of a tech and innovation competion, is a true testament of a community of hundreds of founders, innovators and dreamers who share a common vision with the Albanian ICT Awards, to rise and develop the industry of technology and innovation throughout the Albanian speaking countries.
“So many beautiful and bright minds in one hall. Congratulations to everyone who supports this race financially, but also with their time, as an obligation that we all have, for what we work for every day, that of a better Albania,” said the member of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania, Ms. Edona Bilali.

Ms. Ledi Imeraj, Director of the Innovation and Excellence Agency, welcomed the Albanian ICT Awards on behalf of the Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation Mr. Blendi Gonxhja.
22 finalists competed for the 6 big prizes of the 12th edition of the ICT Awards, while this evening also did not lack a few surprises.

“I want to congratulate the organizers who for 12 years in a row have made it possible to turn this night into a tradition,” said the Minister of State for Entrepreneurship Protection and Business Climate, Mrs. Delina Ibrahimaj.

The Gala Night was also greeted by the Director of Innovation at the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Laura Zherka who said that such an atmosphere motivates, inspires and promotes a very precious community of our Albanians.

The first award of the night was ICT Diploma of the Year category where Ardin Bajraktari, Lejdi Prifti, Lum Borovci and Rrezarta Thaqi competed. The winner of this prize was Lum Borovci with the project “Chaos and Arrhythmia Theory: A Dynamic Approach to Cardiac Care.”

Anita Mjeshtri with the GoAL project, Jahja Nur Zulbeari with the EPage Digital project and Sidorela Ndregjoni with the FloraTech project faced off in the category ICT Rising Star of the Year 16-21 years old. The winner was Sidorela Ndregjoni with the FloraTech project.

The ICT Rising Star up to 16 went to Parid Haxhollin. In this category he faced Elsa Halilin with the Brain Crafts project and Amar Dobreven with the Health Digitize project.

The Cyber Security Award at the 12th edition of the ICT Awards went to the company Cyber Morphosis. Andi Ahmeti with the project Grappling for Evil in the Cloud and Dardan Prebeza with the project Pretera also competed in this category.

Patoko was announced Startup of the Year, while Redjan Ymeraj with the Wellness+ project and Sorana Filip with the Nullius in Verba project were the nominees of this category.

Hakan Shehu triumphed in the ICT Innovation of the Year category against Flavio Seferi with the EcoTech project and Genti Xibrit with the Cari-Heart project.

The jury of the Albanian ICT Awards awarded recognition to, GAD Albania, Rrezarta Thaqi and rTrust.

The finalist in the ICT Innovation of the Year category, Hakan Shehu with the Neuron project, was selected by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to become part of the Star Venture program without competition.

The Star Venture program, focused on the development of innovative startups with growth potential for the Western Balkans, is implemented through the Small Business Councils funded by the EU Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility (EDIF) and Luxembourg.
Another award from the EBRD went to Nullius in Verba, the startup that received credits worth 5,000 euros on the Amazon Web Services cloud platform.

Established 12 years ago, this competition is organized by the ICTSmedia publishing house and the ALBICT Nationwide Technology Association and enjoys the distinguished partnership of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development through the Star Venture Program funded by the EU Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility (EDIF) and Luxembourg, by EU for Innovation and UNICEF. Today, in the eyes of an ecosystem, the Albanian ICT Awards are considered a true barometer of the innovative and creative potential of young people, students, innovators, entrepreneurs, professionals, and businesses throughout the Albanian-speaking countries.
The 12th edition opened its doors on Thursday 29 February 2024 among over 100 guests and participants from the world of academia, business, public administration, entrepreneurship, innovation and the technology community. Applications were welcomed in 7 different categories until March 31, 2024, and more than 25 information sessions were held near schools, universities, centers and innovation spaces from Tirana to Pristina, Skopje, Tetovo, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Vushtrri, Preshevo and Bujanoc.
Until the applications deadline, 108 projects arrived from 130 different candidates who demonstrated in front of the jury of the Albanian ICT Awards in Pristina and Tirana on April 26 and 27, 2024 respectively.